Handmaiden has hosted this weeks This is. You would think I could just walk into my kitchen and choose something. But no. I looked at many things and had every excuse to not choose them. I finally chose my pressure rice cooker. I know very exciting.
I choose this because this is one of those items in the kitchen that I use at least 2-3 times a week which I can just plug in, throw the rice and water in and leave alone. It also produces the most perfect rice. All nice and fluffy - the way I like it. If I wanted to make rice the same way I would have to be watching it on the stove, watching temperature, boiling, timing etc. Instead I can concentrate on making dinner.
Here is to my humble pressure rice cooker.
I need to buy one of those.
Rice cookers are the most fantastic inventions. I can never cook rice in a pan in the same way as I can in the cooker. That looks like a very fancy cooker!
Well, I cook rice in the microwave at my house and it's the same leave and forget kind of thing as a rice cooker. I used to think I was particularly talented at cooking rice in the microwave, but it turns out that the glass bowl I usually use is the brilliant one. When I tried to make it in a different bowl it didn't turn out. So my favourite gadget would be the rice bowl (which it has now been dubbed!).
Yay to no more gluggy rice!!
This is one of my favourite gadgets too. It gets used nearly every day.
What brand/make is that one? I have a el cheapo Coles one and want to upgrade.
I LOVE my rice cooker!!! I'm totally with ya on this one!
So true. Rice cookers are _the best_. I love how you can cook other things in them too, like barley and cracked wheat!
OOOH! I want one! Please remind me when we have a new kitchen!!!!
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