I am plodding along with my 'little projects' so I can get started on the big. A few extra projects were fitted in at the last minute.
Here from right to left. The Tassie Christmas Bauble Swap continue to be made (though slowly since last time). My uncles quilt all together. Just need to stitch the letters before I ask The Quilted Crow to Quilt it together for me (I just dont want to quilt such a large quilt). Knitting a bonnet for a cute little thing (more on this latter). I finished making a baby's boy quilt - just stitching the block for the back. Last - making fabric flowers. Just need to cut the dow and put them together.
It is very unlike me to be undergoing so many projects at once. I am determined to get through these before I start any more.
I am off to work today (again) so hope every one is having nice suny days like we are.
Wow! Lots of things on the go!!! Cant wait to see somethings finished!! Cathy
Here we have a busy lady! Waiting to see the projets finished, exciting.
So many projects! It's nice to get them finished though and feel a great sense of achievement. People do appreciate a beautiful handmade present (made with love).
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