Can any of you guess???
YES it is the 'There's No Place Like Home' from Daisies and Dragonflies quilt. I finished the last block and have added all the sashing and am in the process of quilting the three layers - WOO HOO. Now I just need patience and time (never enough).
Yey, you did it!!
You go girl! Hope you're going to bring it to Ross. (Doesn't have to be finished.) I'd love to see.
Can't wait to see the finished quilt, love to colours you choose for it.
Happy Quilting :)
I am exhausted I have just read your last 21 posts so am now up to date on goldfish bellies, rice cookers,5 minute cakes, your very cute sons recipe for bath bombs, I might even make some lip balm, quilting/blogger catch ups and your latest stitching. I may never catch up on bloglines.
Looks good! Quilting always makes me happy. I think it's because I'm nearly finished!
Well Done Sarah!!! See perserverence does pay off....now you can go to bed early again! Cathy
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