Thank you to Strawberry Kisses who came up with this weeks "This is..." theme hosted by Three Buttons.
This quote is used often around here....
"I have reached 100th Post"
Woo hoo
(edit:a few people have asked if this is for real and YES I have reached my 100th post. Well according to my dash board I am at 102 but my post list this is 98 so I thought I combine it with the This is... as I was to pathetic to think of a better quote!)
Oh and the winner who named Mrs ? which I recalled finished on the 9th was the 6th (oops brain fuzz)... is (drum roll)
Miss Daphne - Sandi from Embroideroo is the winner! WOO HOO. Sandi can you email me privately with your address so can send you the goodies.
Sorry, do you mean it's your 100th post or you like the quote? Am I being thick? If it is congratulations!
Maria x
Are you really 100 posts old.
What beautiful roses! Are they in your garden?? Cathyx
congrats on yr 100th post
Amazing Sarah...congratulations...you have been a very busy girl... just love your tomatoes...really cute!!
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