This year is my best so far. I am really pleased. I think I have competed all my to-make-gifts. Do you make gifts for Christmas?

I still have some gifts to do - but that is because I have NO idea what to get them (sisters...). Darn it.
I got this idea from here. Perfect for the goodies hamper I traditionally do for each of my aunts and uncles...

Holly Mooly, They look delicous! You'd be better than me, I am always un-organized!
I'm not sure all the stars would have been filled, if I had made them ...
They look very yummy. I wish I was organised.
I'm going to be organised when I grow up. Not sure exactly when that will be...
Yes, I quite often make gifts. My Mum always used to too. One of my favourites was a dutch costume that she made for me one Christmas. I wore it everywhere!
oh stop it!!
NEXT year i'll be organised.. .
disgusting indeed.....yep I make gifts for those that i know will appreciate them,cheers Vickie
You are very impressive! I have lots of grand plans but am yet to accomplish much. There is still time, isn't there?
Cute idea! Follow me at sugarplumsandlollipops.blogspot.com
I am one of your new followers:)
you are very organised!!!
i haven't done a thing.
now i feel bad.
happy week ♥
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