They were livelier this week. Most looking like fluffy fur balls...
We have come to a family consensus re the name. Thanks to all your wonderful suggestions readers! There was talk of four names but we decided it would be a bit long to yell out the back door (great idea Ange).
You want to know the name?

(she did not want us to leave her)
Abby (cute ha?).
Oh Abby is adorable! We have a golden retriever(now 3) they are such a gentle natured breed. Jess still sneaks our shoes to sleep with, but luckily doesn't do any damage now!
Perfect name for your soon to be cute doggy! Love it.
Oh and she is already missing you.
Heart breaking.
Perfect!!!! She is just so sweet, can't wait to hear all of the trials and tribulations that she brings into the household being such a mischevious puppy. lol
kewl name,cheers Vickie
She is so cute and I do love her name.
What a cutie and a great name too. We have a Goldie, he's nearly 14 but every now and then he does something that reminds of the time he was the size of your little bundle of fluff. Enjoy, you have soooo many years of loyalty, friendship and undeviding love to come you way from that little one.
Yay! Gorgeous wee Abby.
Awww, how sweet. A wonderful name you have chosen for her.
Abby is perfect (and perfectly acceptable for shouting out your backdoor too!!)!
Soo Cute, Abby :)
well, hello dear abby! xo
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