Three more weeks till she comes home! Yippee
She was to be Molly, but now we need to think of a new name for our Golden Retriever...To many Molly dogs in the family. Shesh.
Preferably a name without an 'e' - long story short - I am always running out of 'e' when I am crafting... A serious dilemma people!
Any suggestions readers?
Lol! I recommend Jessica, Sophie, Joe, Rose, Molly, Max, Lily and Ash. Every time I named a baby someone would say, "Hey! That's our dog's name!" So my kids' names are top dogs names! (Notice "Molly" in there!)
hmmm Ferrero Rochere is too long...KitKat is inappropriate...Bacci sounds too much like a command....Nestle is politically incorrect....Mars is too butch.....I can only come to one conclusion...Violet Crumble Bar or Violet for short.
Oh, such a sweetie!!! She's already longing for you. Look at her eyes...
Okay, my suggestion: Bibi, the 'i' pronounced as 'ee'.
Not very original, because that is our dog's name, but I love it!
How about Precious - nope, it has an 'e' in it.
Boefje - Dutch word for little naughty one, the oe pronounced oo in book.
Good luck with finding the name. It took me long for Bibi (o:
I tried to convince Princess CurlyWurly she should name My Assistant Violet. She refused. Perhaps you could do it for me?
Five weeks old means she was born one of the last days of May I guess. Why not name her Maya?
No E's in that name ;-)
She is SO cute Sarah! Bet you all cant wait!
Howz about Piper, Minx, Kayla, Tam, Meika... Or after chocolate like Tanya suggestes.... Milko?
x Sarah
She is just beautiful! Our family's golden girl is Zoe and her golden cousins are Molly and Ellie. I think we googled dog names too when we got Zoe for ideas. Good luck!
How about Milly ? I vaguely recall reading somewhere that dogs respond better when their names end with an 'e' sound, don't know how true it is.
She could be a Lucy! I love my Lucy!!
Why not just call her whatever you like and buy another pkt of stickers :)
I was going to suggest Lexi (but it has an 'e') so perhaps something like Ruby or Carli? We have a Darby (who's name was Barbie) and and it does help to go and shout the name out your backdoor before settling on a dog's name. I just couldn't bring myself to shout Barbie at my backdoor!!
We have a Molly and a Bella. Bella has the sweetest nature. Molly is the naughty one.
She's adorable - Maisy, Holly, or Lulu.
I've a westie named Daisy, whose favourite summertime thing to do, is to sit in a flowerpot.
Of course you could call her Mischief..... but that has the dreaded e
hmmm ok TD (tan dog) pronuunced teedee...wow I'm clever not...well gee our pets are Roxy(we didn't name her)..BD (brown dog)..OD (other Dog)..Delta (dilemna dog)..oh and the cats name is LEave...cheeerrs Vickie
I was thinking Poppy cause she's such a wee poppet. She is so beautiful Sarah.
Had another thought Sarah, what about Isordora, Izzy for short because "isn't she adorable". I know, I'm a sad woman but when I get a bone I need to chew on it.lol
ooooh, she melts my heart. Mim? Audrey? Abby? Elsie? (I'm clearly ignoring the 'e' rule!).
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