I have been finding this stitching rather medatative (not the ummm shanti shanti type, duffer). I think because there are n.o. e.x.p.e.c.t.a.t.i.o.n.s. Just when I can. What a difference. I am actually enjoying the process of it. Though (ha ha) yesterday I did do a bo bo and had to redo and was a bit pouty. Seriously readers I can pout baby pout.

I am also for the first time knitting socks. Crazy. Especially when you hurt an knitting important finger by cutting it. Thanks to another crafty project... another story. Back to these sock. These are toddler socks for The Little Man. This is the third go - oh all sorts of reasons. I will do this. I am not giving up. Painful finger and all. No really the finger is much better today thank you.
We visit Abby this Saturday and this is the last week we have to leave her behind.