I was amazed at the great and helpful feedback - Thank you all - so as a bigger thank you I thought I would do a retrospective give away for all the ladies that commented...
The winner is.... Renee who said...
"I like them Sarah. They would look gorgeous on a short, tailored jacket :) How much are you selling them for?" Email me Renee for your snail mail!
The questions answered... Yes I am offering them as embellishments for bags and hats/beanies as well. I will be selling them at the local hand made market in the next two months - but happy to do by order! I am thinking of selling for about $10. I am going to try using fabric fussible in between to help them last longer down the track. Hope it still lets me curl them at the edges (love that).
Gorgeous Sarah! Congrats Renee :-)
They are just lovely Sarah! And would be great embelishments for scrapbooking pages etc!
x Sarah
Ha well I missed out commenting earlier but I do think they're very sweet and I think it's lovely that you had a retrospective giveaway too... Sweet.
Way to go Sarah! Congrats on the market. Your stuff looks brilliant! (Good luck!)
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