Hi all and what a coincidence it is my 200th post - oh well it will pass quietly - don't worry - I will make up for it one day! Been a bit scared to write a post as I seem to have caused a few worry lines and grey hairs to some of my blogging friends. As you can see the little man has continued to grow - despite my attempts to keep him small and little! He has started to grab toys with both hands and attempts to suck his two fingers. He likes to chat and beams so much the whole room shines. I find him rather delicious. Not much crafting happening here just lots of baby love, family life, cooking and thus walking to cook! I will catch up one day but so much enjoying these very precious times.
ahh there you are..i was thinking you had been captured by the cuteness of the wee one and family life..gosh he has a gorgeous smile,take care,cheers Vickie
I can see why you find him so delicious! You are right to enjoy this time with your family, being a family while you can. Thanks for popping in to update.
congrats on your 200th post...........
don't be scared to write......just your blogging friends caring for you......
your little man has grown heaps and yes as much as we want to stop them growing up to quick they just seem to mushroom at times........
Sarah, he's such a darling! Crafting & blogging can wait. :)
Sarah ! how much has he grown !!!!
You are right blogland will always be here but you won't get these crazy baby family moments back .
So glad you are all well and he is such a cutie !
Wow Sarah, I can certainly see how you would much rather spend your time with that gorgeous little hunk of adorableness than blogging. I would be behind you 100% there. That smile is so infectious, he is growing so quickly. Gus, you are beautiful!!
I was only thinking of you today.... thanks for the update!
What a cutie! He looks like a very happy little boy. I hope are well.
Maria x
he is so gorgeous Sarah - I don't blame you for wanting to spend time with him rather than here in blogland. I know what I would choose ;)
Take care
hi Sarah Your little man is growing fast . It is so nice to hear from you just keep writing to us about any think. It is just nice to keep up to date with our blogger friends. To next time.
XX Razzy
There will be plenty of time to blog when he is out playing with his mates. Which I can assure you will be within a blink of an eye.
What a gorgeous smile! It even brightens my room across the big big waves
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