I have a vision - I will one day - make this a separate site/blog where people can be on a list that sends them a reminder to check their breast once a month. I want this to get big enough that it reaches a record breaking list and thus a record breaking number of women checking their breast. A simple email sent to them with simple information and links to aid them on checking themselves and doing it correctly.
But for now I will keep dreaming and thinking till I have more time and know how to do so. Any ideas/thoughts know how would be most appreciated.
What an admiral goal.
no just get more bloggers to post it...............everyone who reads there blogs would then get a reminder............I would do it I just forget and I like to see it everytime..........leave it here........even it we stitch and sew on our blogs this is somethign we should all do and you posts are short and to the point each time...........
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