I, for the life of me cannot work out what I am doing wrong.
The section I am having trouble with is the side triangles...
The instructions are:
Cute 1 light and 2 medium squares 3-7/8". Cur each into 4 triangles with two cuts. You need 4 light and 8 medium triangles.
I cut them as instructed... measuresments trippled checked.
Then I sewed one side on...

Then I sewed the other...

The problem is when I sew it to the main black I lose my corner.

So I need to sew the smaller triangles together a different way so I dont lose the corner.
How do I do this?
Thank you to who ever relieves me of quilt hysteria...
Maybe the two grey pieces should overlap a bit so that the point is 1/4" from the edge. And maybe google 'how to flying geese' - as I think that is what they call this type of triangle. Good luck!
hey I just sent you an email with a link that should asssit you..pictures speak a thousand words LOL,cheers Vickie
Wish I could help you, but I don't have a clue either. Good luck with your project and I hope you work it out. I would love to see the finished product.
Your using the wrong side of the light colored triangles. Use the long sides, and they should overlap at the top point of your medium triangle to make your point a 1/4 from the edge so when you sew two flying geese together you have perfect points.
If you lay all 3 pieces on the table so the long sides all line up in a row on the edge of the table closest to you, then grab the corners of the end pieces, closest to the middle piece and drag them to the top point of the middle piece that is how they get sewn together.
I hope you show a re-do. So we can see how gorgeous your points are.
Sorry. I have no idea. Good luck.
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