I have never made a pattern before. I have something in mind. Something very practical for the little man. A bib smock. Something that totally covers him while he eats. Peel off and wa la - a clean babe! I cannot find anything like it - let alone a pattern... Will update you on the progress...
If you have any trouble let me know as mum made quite a few smocks for us when we were little and also for the gran kids! It just pulled up around the neck with cotton tape and ties at the back neckline Lisa
Looking forward to seeing the results , I have no doubt you'll do well !
Good on you Sarah. I used to make them for our kids using hand towels. I used to cut a hole for their heads and then put interlock ribbing around the hole. Wa la as you say, easy peasy.
Good luck
hugs Deb
These could help Sarah.
Good luck, here's a link to a sleeveless bib pattern.
I made smocks for kinder and they wre pretty easy, no fitted sleeves, just two pieces sewn together with elastic in the neck. I just to do all this fancy applique, goodness knows why when they were just covered in paint!
What a great idea Sarah! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with
x Sarah
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