Been meaning to make this for ages. Just have not got around to it. You know - always doing 'purposeful' craft. 'My' monthly crafty girl friends came round and I decided I was going to get started on this. The next morning I worked on it more and decided I had to stop. I could add a lot more things (like a fence, flowers etc etc) but I have many other projects waiting for me that are purposeful ones. It was suppose to be sort of a replica of the Christmas Ginger Bread House.... you can see that cannot you?
My 10 year old son really liked what I was doing and started to work with me. I left him to his own devises and he brings me his version to show off. I was SO PROUD. AND he even cleaned up after!
Good Job Both of you
That looks fantastic Sarah, you are so clever!!! Liz xxx
I have thumbnails of some of my best blogs on my blog now and I thought they were REAL gingerbread houses! Aren't kids wonderful? Why wouldn't you be proud of your son!
This must have been fun, Sarah! Looks very colorful (O:
They look like fun and what a bonus some one else cleaned up. What a good boy.
Well done, both houses look great!
Very cool :-)
Those hearts are very pretty. I like the gingerbread houses on your last post too.
Wow these are fantastic - I love them. How clever are you and your little dude?? I really love them.
love the way u have done the tiles
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