I am relieved. I am starting to feel a bit burned out with all the demands and activities to fill their days. Though I have really enjoyed having them around. It feels normal. Have a good day back at school today guys - not sure who will miss you more - me or the little man....
i know what you mean!
it's been hard the last few days dropping Amelie off to school as she gets emotional. Aidan starts 3 yr old this afternoon..lets hope for no tears
happy day Sarah and I know you'll miss him ♥
I can remember those days dearly, oh it was bliss when they went back to school. The wee man will miss them for sure but no doubt he will love having his Mum to himself again. Give him a big hug from me Sarah
I have the girlies home until next week, I am so looking forward to the silence lol, how did the little man go today
Love that pic!
I know what you mean about getting back to it! I so exhausted from the holiday's demands. Good to start finding the household beat again!
Thanks for your comment on Miss G. I was SO proud of her!!
Happy days. xx
The picture says it all, telling the little man will miss them most ...
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