"Purposeful giving is not as apt to deplete one's resource, it belongs to that natural order of giving that seems to renew itself even in the act of depletion... Today...many women hardly feel indispensable any more, either in primitive struggle to survive or as the cultural font of the home. No longer fed by a feeling of indispensability or purposefulness, we are hungry, and not knowing what we are hungry for, we fill up the void with endless distractions, always at hand - unnecessary errands, compulsive duties, social niceties. And for the most part, to little purpose. Suddenly the spring is dry, the well is empty.
...she must be replenished too... Solitude... being alone sometime during the year...some part of the week, and each day..."
Do you see yourself doing this? Do you fill your 'voids' with endless distractions? I do. I wish I value my 'empty' voids as important as my busy 'voids'. Do you give yourself permission to have some time to yourself? Do you put it high on your daily agenda? I wish I did.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
4 weeks ago
yes I did have voids that were wasted with endless distractions (biggest one being Facebook)and for heavens sake I am on a computer all day at work but 100% work use only but I would come home turn my pc on and bang jump right onto facebook and chat for several hours...I turned it all around with a health scare and it's now a priority on my daily list to take time for me and get them me things done and WOW I still have aregular heartbeat if'n I don't turn the PC on when I get home,take care ,cheers Vickie
Yo know what? I ordered the book, but I haven't started reading in it yet. I try to get my agenda empty for a day every now and then and allow myself to do only fun things or what I want to do! But I do tend to run on and on... and waist time at my PC reading blogs I can easily read once a week instead of every day...
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