As I reach my two years of blogging - I am feeling the need to redirect my energy back here at petite chateau. Been avoiding writing this in hope I can rescue it all now but that is not the case.
All is very good here. Overwhelmed feelings heightened due to life here.
Oldest boy is a bit full on at the moment - broke some serious rules at home and school so just trying to ride that wave.
Middle boy - needing more time for just him - not taken over by other two brothers.
Little Man turned one - thank you to all who left a little note. It was a quiet day celebrated by us. The picture is the cake the two older boys made - the best first birthday cake I recon. He is such a sweet soul and very active and inquisitive!
Hubby business is doing very well and he is a fantastic solid rock for me.
The house is suffering an ant invasion - one heck of an invasion. Trying desperately to get the plans for extension happening to fit this big family in a little cottage. Weather has cooled considerably.
The Barn Market went SUPER DUPPER well and I throughly enjoyed it. Hope to do more soon. Finished the Mystery Quilt (hip hip horray) and on the road to getting the Gail Pans BOM Christmas Quilt finished. Been asked to teach in a brand new craft store opening here - which is flattering. I am starting up a new business (with hubbies big support) which is very exciting but lots to do and little head space left for much. Will let you know in due course about it. Crafting for therapy when I can. Aiming to keep the house afloat and being present with me and the family. Reading Buddhism for Mothers and so far it has been just what I need. I will keep reading blogs and envy in everyone exciting makes and adventures but this is where I am now and I will have plenty of time one day to do the same.
Will be back... like many of us in blog land we have moments when we need to redirect our energies for a little while...