Auction for
UNICEF Haiti relief effort.
Auction begins NOW and finishes Sunday 31st January 2010 at 1200 AEST.
Place your highest Australian dollars bid by leaving a comment (and a reply email). The person with the highest bid will be able to choose ONE of the limited edition taggy balls/squares as shown in the photo. The winner then donates directly to UNICEF Haiti and emails me the proof of payment (which is tax deductible) and their snail mail address. If payment proof is not received with in 48 hours the second highest bidder wins. This is open to Australian residences only (sorry).
The taggy ball/squares are made using 100% high quality quilt cotton. All sewn using triple stitches for durability and safety. An ideal toy for a baby or parents/aunts and uncles/grandparents who are expecting a baby. It is designed to catch the infants attention and encourages play. It promotes the development of eye tracking, vision acuity and gross & fine motor coordination. Movement of tags attracts the attention of the very young baby. When the baby has developed its grasping skill - it is easy to grip and maintain hold. Eventually they can learn to catch the taggy ball - the loops/tags make it easier.
PLEASE tell your friends about the fund raising efforts - it is for a good cause...
Again Thank you to
Leonie who was very supportive and offered oodles of advise...